
Monday, 10 November 2014

LED Lighting a Makeover Towards Bright Future

It is hard to say how fast LEDs are destined to soar or how bright the future of lighting is estimated to be. One thing is for sure, though. The common light bulb will be a thing of the past, destined to be found only in the ancient museums of every state.
Few years back, opportunities for LED lighting systems did not seem an affordable option for the housing segment, businesses and industries or in government sectors, due to its very high purchasing price. The sad part is, many of them did not realized that the cost savings over a period of time would overcome the initial costs of these energy saving measures.
Thanks to unprecedented investments in efficient lighting technology. Presently LED finds diversified uses in parking areas, street lights, traffic lights highways, corporate offices, hotels, public buildings, restaurants, gallery, lounge, cars and signboards. Once considered useful only for flashlights and laptop computers. These LEDs are now being looked like a most important member in the home lighting arena as well.
LEDs offer twice the efficiency of CFLs or Compact Fluorescent light bulbs and the total absence of toxic mercury, long lifespan and faster turn-on times make LEDs more appealing than other lighting solutions
The car industry is making a facelift by using LED lighting systems, especially for indicator lights on the dashboard and rear lights.
The future of our planet belongs to energy efficient lighting and LEDs will play a pivotal role in making the world brighter, greener and self-sufficient. 

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